Case Study
Name: Sheriff
Breed: Labrador x Collie
Age: 2 years old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Cruciate Ligament & Luxating Patella Surgery | Hip Dysplasia
Sheriff had a slight limp aged 17 months. A trip to the vets initially revealed a ruptured cruciate and patella luxation in his right leg. Further investigation found hip dysplasia and a badly deformed femur. First operation was TPLO for the cruciate and the vet was hopeful that the patella luxation could be managed without surgery. Sheriff started hydro and was doing well with recovery but then his paw started to point outwards. On x-ray we found that surgery for the cruciate had enhanced the knee problem so continued with hydro which really helped. On check up we found that the knee was dislocating worse than ever but in a different way due to upper leg deformities. Sheriff was referred to an orthopaedic specialist who performed a more advanced surgery to realign/cut the bone to make him more comfortable and he’s doing brilliantly. Further surgery was done to remove some metalwork and he was discharged in January but recommend hydro initially for recovery and then long term for the hip dysplasia and to help with the severe joint degeneration that he has. All this has left Sheriff anxious and fearful of other dogs and sometimes people but as he is starting to feel better his confidence is growing and he loves the Bluewaters girls.
Sheriff’s confidence has grown massively. He no longer tries to run out the door at Bluewaters and happily goes to the treadmill on his own – he looks forward to his visits. He no longer limps/holds his leg up – his leg will never be fully functional and he will be at risk of cruciate rupture in his left leg due to overcompensating but hopefully hydro will help prevent this.
The team at Bluewaters are amazing, so patient and they go above and beyond to make Sheriff feel comfortable and safe. They’re also very good with my other dog Dixie who comes along for the ride!
JennyCase Studies
