Case Study
Name: Bobby
Breed: Labradoodle
Age: 1 year old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Hip Dysplasia & Osteoarthritis
Bobby started to attend Bluewaters Canine Hydrotherapy Centre due to moderate hip dysplasia and associated osteoarthritis.
Bobby took to swim sessions exceptionally well. Both of Bobby’s hind legs (right hind more so) abducted to start with and there wasn’t much extension, he also occasionally rolled his hips while swimming. Bobby now works really well in the pool following a tennis ball for incentive, he swims lengths of the pool and some figures of eights. He extends much more on his hind legs, particularly when chasing the ball, and doesn’t hip roll, although he does still abduct on his right hind at times.
Bobby now swims for 3 sets of four minutes and his owner reports he is doing really well at home with no concerns reported. Bobby has gained 1 cm on his right hind and 2 cm on his left hind (both hind limbs now have equal muscle mass) and has lost 3 cm off his waist.
Bobby continues to attend the centre fortnightly.
…coming soon.
Mrs CrossCase Studies
