Case Study
Name: Ozzie
Breed: Crossbreed
Age: 3 years old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Arthritis and General Stiffness
Ozzie started to attend Bluewaters Canine Hydrotherapy Centre due to stiffness and arthritis in his hind legs.
Ozzie is a rescue dog and is very nervous of being handled by strangers so it took him a little while to settle into his sessions and get used to us here, but he soon realised that the centre was a fun, safe environment and started to relax. With nervous dogs it is very important that the staff here at Bluewaters give them space and time to relax which we had to do with Ozzie to start with.
We decided the hydrotherapy pool would be best for Ozzie’s rehabilitation as it is a totally non weight-bearing environment avoiding any pressure on his joints. Initially Ozzie was very reluctant to extend his hind legs and abducted them slightly, however as Ozzie has progressed his extension has greatly improved and his hind legs are much straighter. Ozzie now swims for 15 minutes with rests following a toy and swims into the resistance jets for some of his session. Ozzie used to be really tired after his sessions but his fitness has greatly improved.
Ozzie’s owners been really pleased with his progress at the centre reporting that he is now much more comfortable on his hind legs; they have also been really pleased with how Ozzie has taken to the staff at the centre and enjoy seeing him get so much out of his sessions. For Ozzie the hydrotherapy has benefited him in so many ways, he allows us to handle him in the pool and in the bath post session with no problems and he is gradually becoming more and more relaxed which is such a pleasure to see.
Ozzie now loves his sessions in the pool so much we can hear him crying in reception to come in!
..coming soon!
NameCase Studies
