Case Study
Name: Buddy
Breed: Pug
Age: 3 years old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Cruciate Ligament Rupture
Buddy started to attend Bluewaters Canine Hydrotherapy on 19th November 2018. Buddy had jumped out of his owners arms and landed awkwardly; he was lame on his left hind limb following this following veterinary examination he was prescribed anti-inflammatories and rest which initially seemed to help. However Buddy didn’t seem to be improving so he was examined again and x-rayed, his vets suspected a partial cruciate ligament tear so surgery was performed to stabilise the joint. The surgery appeared to have been successful, however it then became apparent that Buddy was still lame on the limb and additional investigation was required. Buddy required further x-rays which revealed the medial and lateral collateral ligaments were unstable (these are located either side of the stifle joint). His surgeon performed an arthrotomy which involves exploring the stifle joint surgically and checking cartilage, ligaments etc for damage.The medial and lateral collateral ligaments were both damaged and also required stabilisation. We decided to start Buddy’s treatment in the underwater treadmill as we needed to encourage him to use his left hind limb correctly and put weight through it. Buddy was able to weight bear on his left hind limb but at a faster pace which hold the limb up, the aim was to slow his pace down and re-educate him that he could use it. Buddy took to his sessions really well, he was however very reluctant to put weight through his left hind limb and was very quick to lift the limb off the treadmill belt. By his second session Buddy was still a little reluctant to use the limb but there was a marked improvement, especially with the incentive of a treat in front of his nose! There was very little extension or protraction (forward movement) of his left hind limb and he abducted the limb slightly (walked with it out to the side). As Buddy has progressed he now puts weight through his left hind limb properly and extends and protracts the limb properly, he still occasionally turns his left hind limb out slightly which we are trying to help correct. Buddy’s owner has been delighted with his progress, Buddy very rarely lifts his left hind limb anymore and is back to enjoying regular walks with no mobility issues afterwards. Buddy’s muscle mass has increased on all four limbs, with 2 cm gained on the affected limb. He has also lost 3 cm off his waist which is an amazing result. Buddy continues to attend the centre on a regular basis, he has benefited massively from his treatment in the underwater treadmill which is so pleasing to see. For such a small dog he has a huge character and likes to keep us on our toes! He has become affectionately known as “Buddy the Wonder Pug!”, we are all very fond of him and love to see him here at the centre.
Buddy jumped out of my arms in the garden, the result was he landed badly on one leg. It turned out that he had damaged all the ligaments in his back left leg, knee, to which he had three operations. The vet suggested hydrotherapy as he wouldn’t use his leg and wouldn’t put any weight through it.
When I first came to Bluewaters with Buddy he wouldn’t put his left back let down. After a number of sessions I began to see a difference. Now, after 10 sessions Buddy is near enough back to normal – walking, running, jumping around with no trouble.
The staff at Bluewaters are so very lovely and are very friendly but at the same time they are very professional.
LindaCase Studies
