Case Study
Name: Oscar
Breed: Springer Spaniel
Age: 14 years old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Oscar started to attend Bluewaters Canine Hydrotherapy Centre on 17th November 2017 as he was suffering with osteoarthritis in multiple joints, Oscar also fractured his elbow a few years previously and had to have surgery to repair it. We decided to conduct Oscar’s sessions in the hydrotherapy pool as we felt he would really benefit from the non- weight bearing nature of the exercise and he also enjoys swimming. Oscar was slightly nervous to start with but soon took to his sessions in the pool really well. Initially there was very little extension from either of Oscar’s hind limbs (less on his left hind limb) and he abducted (kicked out) his left hind limb quite markedly. Oscar’s range of movement was slightly more reduced on his left forelimb which is understandable considering the surgery
performed to repair his left elbow. As Oscar has progressed the extension has greatly improved on his hindlimbs with some stimulation from us to encourage him to extend his left hind limb more. He still does abduct his left hind limb slightly but far less than he did previously. His range of movement has greatly improved through his left elbow but he will always be slightly stiff through it. Oscar’s owners have been delighted with his progress and really feel that Oscar’s weekly hydrotherapy has made such a difference to his condition and quality of life. They now can hardly keep up with him on his walks, and he has been known to run off while on his walk for a sneaky dip in the river! Cheeky boy! Since the start of Oscar’s treatment at Bluewaters he has gained muscle on all four limbs with 2-3 cm gained on both hind limbs and 1cm gained on both forelimbs. He has also lost 3cm off his waist. Oscar is such a sweetie and a pleasure to have at the centre; he is very partial to a cuddle while resting on the pool ramp, and hydrotherapist Laura, who is a self- confessed crazy spaniel lady, is only too happy to oblige! Oscar continues to attend the centre on a weekly basis and is coming on in leaps and bounds!
At nearly 13 years of age Oscar started to show signs of arthritis, he lagged behind on walks and struggled to stand after sleeping. We also noticed muscle wastage in his back end. Our vet suggested we try hydrotherapy to try to build the muscle and stop further deterioration.
Hydrotherapy has definitely helped Oscar a lot. The muscle wastage has not deteriorated further and his mobility level has improved to the level that he now enjoys his walks everyday and we feel without this treatment we would no longer have our beloved pet.
Oscar has had hydrotherapy once per week for over a year now and enjoys his weekly sessions. Oscar is treated with love and respect at the centre which we all appreciate.
Candice - BewdleyCase Studies
