Case Study
Name: Frank
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Age: 5 years old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Post Op – Cruciate Ligament Surgery
Frank started to attend our hydrotherapy centre in July 17 following TPLO (tibial-plateau-leveling osteotomy) surgery four months previously on his left hind. There was a lot of muscle atrophy following the surgery but Frank was struggling to regain this due to intermittent pain.
We initially started Frank’s treatment in the underwater treadmill but he was really unsure of this and wouldn’t use his hind legs for part of the session. We made the decision to see how he got on in the hydrotherapy pool instead. Frank was a little unsure at first in the pool but over the following weeks his confidence has really improved and he has started to really enjoy his sessions, helped by the use of a toy for incentive. Frank initially didn’t extend his left hind that much but using various techniques has meant his extension is much better.
Frank was remeasured in September 2017, his muscle mass has increased by 2cm on his left hind and 1cm on his right hind; his hind limb measurements are now almost equal. His forelimb measurements have stayed the same. Frank has also lost 5cm of his waist and almost 1kg in weight.
His owners are delighted with his progress and have noticed a real improvement in his mobility, they continue to bring him weekly for hydrotherapy sessions.
..coming soon
Mrs HanlonCase Studies
