Case Study
Name: Max
Breed: Springer Spaniel
Age: 11 years old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Intervertebral Disc Disease & Chronic Arthritis
Max has been coming to Bluewaters weekly for three years. When he started he was suffering with weakness through his hind legs due to IVDD and chronic arthritis, particularly affecting his stifles.
Being a natural water baby, Max took to sessions really well. Although he has used both the underwater treadmill and the therapy pool he benefits most from swimming due to being totally non-weight bearing. Max finds the pool particularly enjoyable as it is mentally stimulating, being able to chase his favourite toy – a tennis ball. Initially Max didn’t extend his hind limbs much but this improved through stimulation from the hydrotherapist treating him. Due to the severity of his conditions Max can be quite stiff through his hind legs but he swims extremely well. Max’s owner reports that he benefits greatly from his hydrotherapy sessions and it helps him maintain an enjoyable life, being able to get out and about doing all the things a Springer Spaniel loves to do!
Max was suffering with his arthritis and other joint conditions which was making everyday life uncomfortable for him. His condition has drastically improved through having hydrotherapy and he is much more comfortable. Max loves coming to the centre and all the Bluewaters staff. I love seeing him so happy!
NicolaCase Studies
