Case Study
Name: Reggie
Breed: British Bulldog
Age: ??? years old

Reason for Hydrotherapy
Fitness / Puppy Swim
Reggie has been visiting Bluewaters to gain confidence in the water from a young age and to build his fitness and muscles in a non weight bearing environment. He is always eager to say hello to everyone before having his harness fitted. He is a strong swimmer but also enjoys his mid swim cuddles with the hydrotherapists in the pool. His owners are doing a brilliant job keeping his weight level and exercising him little and often. He will grow up to be a very well rounded little dog – he is a pleasure to have at the swim centre.
Reggie is a British Bulldog who is 5 months old. We wanted to introduce him to water early to help with his overall fitness and breathing as the breed can experience difficulties. It has helped him immensely the staff there are extremely friendly and make him feel comfortable. We have recommended this to family and generally anyone with a dog who we see and advise at how great a place this is. Reggie looks forward to his swim sessions and really enjoys it.
Paul - Rubery, BirminghamCase Studies
