Case Study


Name: Sebastian


Breed: Dalmatian


Age: 18 Months

Reason for Hydrotherapy

Toning Muscle for Breed Shows

Sebastian is a striking Dalmatian who has had great success in the show ring in the puppy and younger dog classes. Now Sebastian is a little older he is competing against more mature dogs and has started swimming sessions to build up and tone muscle. Seb works very hard in the pool & treadmill, his movement in the showring and overall appearance is looking fantastic. He has recently become a SHOW CHAMPION – well done Seb!

I take my Dalmatians often and they love it, everyone is so friendly and helpful, making the experience enjoyable for not just the dog but the owner as well.



Case Studies


Bluewaters Canine Centre Ltd at DeBeers Garden Centre (parking to the right of the main building), Worcester Road, Kidderminster, DY11 7SB

01299 250473

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